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Perl Script
208 lines
# newgetopt.pl -- new options parsing
# SCCS Status : @(#)@ newgetopt.pl 1.8
# Author : Johan Vromans
# Created On : Tue Sep 11 15:00:12 1990
# Last Modified By: Johan Vromans
# Last Modified On: Thu Sep 26 20:10:41 1991
# Update Count : 35
# Status : Okay
# This package implements a new getopt function. This function adheres
# to the new syntax (long option names, no bundling).
# Arguments to the function are:
# - a list of possible options. These should designate valid perl
# identifiers, optionally followed by an argument specifier ("="
# for mandatory arguments or ":" for optional arguments) and an
# argument type specifier: "n" or "i" for integer numbers, "f" for
# real (fix) numbers or "s" for strings.
# - if the first option of the list consists of non-alphanumeric
# characters only, it is interpreted as a generic option starter.
# Everything starting with one of the characters from the starter
# will be considered an option.
# Likewise, a double occurrence (e.g. "--") signals end of
# the options list.
# The default value for the starter is "-".
# Upon return, the option variables, prefixed with "opt_", are defined
# and set to the respective option arguments, if any.
# Options that do not take an argument are set to 1. Note that an
# option with an optional argument will be defined, but set to '' if
# no actual argument has been supplied.
# A return status of 0 (false) indicates that the function detected
# one or more errors.
# Special care is taken to give a correct treatment to optional arguments.
# E.g. if option "one:i" (i.e. takes an optional integer argument),
# then the following situations are handled:
# -one -two -> $opt_one = '', -two is next option
# -one -2 -> $opt_one = -2
# Also, assume "foo=s" and "bar:s" :
# -bar -xxx -> $opt_bar = '', '-xxx' is next option
# -foo -bar -> $opt_foo = '-bar'
# -foo -- -> $opt_foo = '--'
# 20-Sep-1990 Johan Vromans
# Set options w/o argument to 1.
# Correct the dreadful semicolon/require bug.
package newgetopt;
$debug = 0; # for debugging
sub main'NGetOpt {
local (@optionlist) = @_;
local ($[) = 0;
local ($genprefix) = "-";
local ($error) = 0;
local ($opt, $optx, $arg, $type, $mand, @hits);
# See if the first element of the optionlist contains option
# starter characters.
$genprefix = shift (@optionlist) if $optionlist[0] =~ /^\W+$/;
# Turn into regexp.
$genprefix =~ s/(\W)/\\\1/g;
$genprefix = "[" . $genprefix . "]";
# Verify correctness of optionlist.
@hits = grep ($_ !~ /^\w+([=:][infse])?$/, @optionlist);
if ( $#hits >= 0 ) {
foreach $opt ( @hits ) {
print STDERR ("Error in option spec: \"", $opt, "\"\n");
return 0;
# Process argument list
while ( $#main'ARGV >= 0 ) { #'){
# >>> See also the continue block <<<
# Get next argument
$opt = shift (@main'ARGV); #');
print STDERR ("=> option \"", $opt, "\"\n") if $debug;
$arg = undef;
# Check for exhausted list.
if ( $opt =~ /^$genprefix/o ) {
# Double occurrence is terminator
return ($error == 0) if $opt eq "$+$+";
$opt = $'; # option name (w/o prefix)
else {
# Apparently not an option - push back and exit.
unshift (@main'ARGV, $opt); #');
return ($error == 0);
# Grep in option list. Hide regexp chars from option.
($optx = $opt) =~ s/(\W)/\\\1/g;
@hits = grep (/^$optx([=:].+)?$/, @optionlist);
if ( $#hits != 0 ) {
print STDERR ("Unknown option: ", $opt, "\n");
# Determine argument status.
undef $type;
$type = $+ if $hits[0] =~ /[=:].+$/;
print STDERR ("=> found \"$hits[0]\" for ", $opt, "\n") if $debug;
# If it is an option w/o argument, we're almost finished with it.
if ( ! defined $type ) {
$arg = 1; # supply explicit value
# Get mandatory status and type info.
($mand, $type) = $type =~ /^(.)(.)$/;
# Check if the argument list is exhausted.
if ( $#main'ARGV < 0 ) { #'){
# Complain if this option needs an argument.
if ( $mand eq "=" ) {
print STDERR ("Option ", $opt, " requires an argument\n");
if ( $mand eq ":" ) {
$arg = $type eq "s" ? "" : 0;
# Get (possibly optional) argument.
$arg = shift (@main'ARGV); #');
# Check if it is a valid argument. A mandatory string takes
# anything.
if ( "$mand$type" ne "=s" && $arg =~ /^$genprefix/o ) {
# Check for option list terminator.
if ( $arg eq "$+$+" ) {
# Complain if an argument is required.
if ($mand eq "=") {
print STDERR ("Option ", $opt, " requires an argument\n");
# Push back so the outer loop will terminate.
unshift (@main'ARGV, $arg); #');
$arg = ""; # don't assign it
# Maybe the optional argument is the next option?
if ( $mand eq ":" && $' =~ /[a-zA-Z_]/ ) {
# Yep. Push back.
unshift (@main'ARGV, $arg); #');
$arg = ""; # don't assign it
if ( $type eq "n" || $type eq "i" ) { # numeric/integer
if ( $arg !~ /^-?[0-9]+$/ ) {
print STDERR ("Value \"", $arg, "\" invalid for option ",
$opt, " (numeric required)\n");
if ( $type eq "f" ) { # fixed real number, int is also ok
if ( $arg !~ /^-?[0-9.]+$/ ) {
print STDERR ("Value \"", $arg, "\" invalid for option ",
$opt, " (real number required)\n");
if ( $type eq "s" ) { # string
continue {
print STDERR ("=> \$main'opt_$opt = $arg\n") if $debug;
eval ("\$main'opt_$opt = \$arg");
return ($error == 0);